Women's Empowerment Coaching

Life, Leadership & Business Coaching for Women Trailblazers

Which inner critic is killing your confidence?
Take the Negative Narrator Quiz to find out. 

"Yes please!"

 You’re here because you know something more is possible. You’re being called to step into the next evolution of who you are, way beyond playing it safe. You may be scared, you’re probably excited and you definitely know now is the time.

Welcome to your YES! 

Hi! I’m Megan.

Author, women's empowerment coach & lover of mermaids.

Read my story  ➝

Live Your Yes was born when I committed to trusting my desires. To stop “living my maybe” and start releasing the ties that held me in a safe harbor. That journey uncovered my true purpose: to inspire and empower women to LIVE THEIR YES and allow their joy, pleasure and passion to guide them to create more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

I invite you into an entirely new expression of feminine leadership. Together, we’ll create a kinder, more sustainable world when we prioritize ourselves and our dreams. 

Imagine it. Then let’s create it. 

Let's begin...  

Women's Empowerment Coaching

Explore what it could look like to work together.

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My Novel

Join my author community & get behind-the-scenes updates on my path to publishing.

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“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

~ Howard Thurman

Check Out The Podcast

The Megan Walrod Show

Episode 1:
Live Your Yes

What if you could create a life and business you love by prioritizing all that lights you up? And what if you could also create more success for everyone, including...

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Episode 2:
Author Your Life

The conversations we have in the privacy of our own inner terrain are the most important conversations we have. In this intimate space, it’s important to be really honest ...

Listen Now

Episode 3:

What the heck does this word have to do with you as a woman entrepreneur, creating your life and business? Everything! Abracadabra, loosely translated, ...

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Join the Community.

Connect with a global community of women living their YES.

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Which inner critic is killing your confidence?
Take the Negative Narrator Quiz to find out. 

"Yes please!"